Friday, December 4, 2015

Animation Excitement!

Just finished the blocking of my latest shot! Excited to start splining it!

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

1st Animsquad Animation!!

Animsquad Assignment 1 from Joshua Stirling on Vimeo.

My first animation for the intermediate workshop with Animsquad!! (Instructor Michael Woodside)

Monday, November 5, 2012

Chase Scene!!

Chase scene W.I.P from Joshua Stirling on Vimeo.
A W.I.P of a chase scene I was working on.

Just a W.I.P of a chase scene I was working on. Its needs some more improvement in my opinion. The walk looks to vanilla, and needs a little more variety to it, and there's not enough struggle when the character goes to lift the sliding door. It's weird how much you learn just by diggin' in sometimes. I admit I didn't even finish putting in the final poses towards the end, but I figured why not post it anyway. Soooo hur it is

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

"Fleshing" out the zombie concept on paper

These are some of the drawing I did in figuring out how I wanted my zombie to move. I usually record myself doing the action, and getting the motion of what I want to do. Then I play the video back, and look for all the main keys within the motion to sketch down to create the motion.

Monday, April 11, 2011

One Leap Forward

A lil animation I created a while back of a jump. I really wanted a big anticipation in there, and for the landing to come off as being graceful. I'll leave it up to you guys to determine if it was successful. A fine attempt none-the-less.